Northumberland County Council is the unitary authority for Northumberland. The County Council is responsible for Business Rates, Council Tax, Housing Benefits, Planning as well as Road, Street, Pavement, Street Lighting & Grass issues. Information and contact details of Ashington's County Councillors is also available via the website.
0345 600 6400 /
Advance Northumberland are an arms length company set up by Northumberland County Council. They aim to create a thriving, attractive and sustainable Northumberland by delivering and supporting regeneration, business growth, housing market renewal and inward investment throughout the area.
Who we help
Our focus, more than ever, is on the older people who need us the most.
Too many older people are living in poverty or just above the poverty line. Too many find themselves without the care and support they desperately need. Too many have no one to turn to.
If you would like to find out about all of our services visit What we do | Our work | Age UK
“A stats-driven guide: How many EV charging points are there in the UK?"
Spreading awareness of a guide , which is free and informative.
The Bernicia Group, based in Ashington, provides more than 8,000 homes throughout the North East of England including a significant number in the Ashington area.
0844 800 3800 /
Business Northumberland provides a support service for those thinking of starting a business or want to develop and grow a business in Northumberland.
08451 444 000 /
Open: Mon 9.30am to 12.30
Tues 9.30am to 12.30
Thurs 12noon to 3pm
Appointments available during and outside these hours. Please bring relevant information with you.
Northumberland Adviceline - 03444 111 444 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm)
Advice available on:
Contact offers support and social contact to those experiencing mental health issues, and their carers. We offer a comprehensive range of services from our centre in the heart of Morpeth.
01670 510652 /
We have been providing mental health and well-being services to people in Northumberland for over 30 years including counselling, psychotherapy, education and training.
We have come a long way since 1984, expanding our services, supporting more people and working in partnership with other organisations. To recognise the progress, we’ve made we changed our name from Women’s Health Advice Centre to Cygnus Support in 2016.
We believe in working with integrity to deliver a valuable service that empowers people in Northumberland to improve and change their lives.
We believe in delivering services where they are most needed and so in addition to our main centre in Ashington we now also work from hubs across the county in Hexham, Berwick, Alnwick or Blyth.
01670 853977 /
Find your nearest jobcentre. Create a Universal Credit Account / Universal Credit Helpline 0800 328 9344.
The Full Circle Food Project (FCFP) is a registered Charity that educates people living in Northumberland about growing food to eat, healthy cooking on a budget; and supporting people to lead healthier lifestyles. We place community members at the heart of service delivery.
There are many aspects of daily living that have the power to impact the environment negatively. When taking into account every household, business, and service, these factors then have the power to increase environmental damage on a momentous, global scale.
This helpful guide is about the impact of water waste on the environment. With two-thirds of the global population predicted to live in regions of high water stress by 2025, providing an accurate and deep understanding of this issue is critical.
An Introduction to Global Water Wastage
Welcome to GOV.UK, The best place to find government services and information.
The student population is also more likely to be new to living independently. They may take shortcuts when it comes to personal security, or be unaware of the steps needed to keep their stuff secure. Taking the time to educate yourself on practical ways to stay safe at university will stand you in good stead for the next three years and for the rest of your life.
There are lots of precautions you can take to ensure you are protecting yourself and your peers. And, in the case that you do fall prey to theft, we’ve also got tips on how best you can cover yourself and your belongings to manage the impact.
Here is the full version for your reference:
How to Help Prevent Theft: A Guide for University Students
We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
0300 123 3393 /
Established in 1947, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is a membership organisation and the only national body representing the interests of local (parish and town) councils. NALC works in partnership with county associations to support, promote and improve local councils.
National Association of Local Councils (
Northumberland Community Bank provide savings accounts, low interest loans and insurance policies providing a reliable and ethical alternative to other financial institutions.
Opening Hours
Tuesday 10:00am to 2:00pm and Thursday 10:00am to 2:00pm
01670 522779 /
NBSL is a BIS approved Enterprise Agency and works to assist pre-start, new and existing businesses by providing information, advice and support on running and developing a business.
Northumberland College, based in Ashington, is the largest provider of further & higher education in Northumberland, up to degree level. The College can also provide training to employers across the North East region.
01670 841200 /
Northumberland YMCA, based in Ashington, provides various activities and a safe place for young people to reach their full potential.
01670 857 167 /
Find your nearest post office. Get directions and contact details.
Real Deal Plus, At Ashington Life Centre, allows local members of the community a warm place of care and refuge, a listening ear, companionship and direct practical help.
01670 462 097 /
We have 650 churches and community centres, as well as charity shops (some of which are run by our churches) which work at the heart of communities, serving the most vulnerable people, across the UK and Republic of Ireland.
North East Division 0191 293 1360 /
SENRUG is a voluntary organisation that promotes rail travel in South East Nortumberland. SENRUG have been at the forefront of the campaign to bring a passenger rail link back to Ashngton via the Ashington, Blyth & Tyne Line.
Talking Matters Northumberland offers free psychological treatment for people aged 16 and over who have a GP in Northumberland. We offer one to one talking therapy for depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health related problems. We also offer Couples Therapy for Depression.
0300 3030 700 /
From NHS Services, current Covid Guidance, a Health A to Z and more all can be found on the NHS website.
Wansbeck CVS provides information, advice and training to volunteers and community & voluntary groups.
01670 858 688 /
Wansbeck Valley Food Bank provides a stop gap food bank for individuals and families in the Wansbeck Valley area including Ashington, Morpeth and Newbiggin by the Sea.
18 May 2023
They support projects across the UK that their members care about....
17 May 2023
Climate change is a significant long-term challenge for the planet and...
16 May 2023
CVA Blyth Valley in partnership with Cramlington Town Council and...